Rheumatoid Arthritis Success Story (Jordan)

Functional Medicine for Rheumatoid Arthritis Testimonial

“I could not get out of bed in the morning. I would need at least two solid hours of crying and coaching to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I have horrible joint swelling to the point where I could not make a fist or pick up a gallon of milk. I was having a terrible time working and all daily activity was a struggle.

It makes you feel like you are not doing your part as a wife or mom. I have a three-year-old son and I couldn’t play with him or give him baths. It made me feel unworthy to be his mother. There was also a lot of anxiety about whether or not this would be my life.

I took many medications and nothing worked. As a nurse, I am on my feet all the time and I struggled being able to keep up with my work. By the time I got home, I was completely spent.

But now, I feel fabulous! I feel like I felt before I got sick. I am shocked that I feel so good so quick. I now can play with my son and give him baths and be a mom. I get to go on dates with my husband again and I even enjoy my work more.”


Dr. G
Dr. G

Dr. Jay Goodbinder ND DC DABCI is a doctor in Kansas City, MO who serves patients in the surrounding Kansas City areas, cities across the United States, and in several countries around the world.

Are you ready to restore your life?