Acute Functional Medicine

Everyday ailments can be frustrating and persistent, but The Epigenetics Healing Center will help to design a custom care plan to get you back on your feet.

What is Acute Functional Medicine?

Acute functional medicine follows a holistic approach to address common ailments via alternative medicine methods in order to gain optimal body function. This method of treatment is more focused on your core body function, rather than addressing symptoms as they arise. A large portion of functional medicine is reviewing what is going into your body, from toxins and supplements to diet and exercise. Having a focused approach on overall well being translates to a well-rounded treatment plan and a passion for patient success.

What Conditions Can Acute Functional Medicine Treat?

Typical functional medicine can be very beneficial for chronic conditions like Autoimmune Disorders, Diabetes, Arthritis and more, but a holistic approach is also proven to be successful with everyday ailments as well. At The Epigenetics Healing Center, your Nurse Practitioner will come up with a treatment plan designed specifically for you to remedy the following conditions:

  • Ear, nose, throat infections such as the common cold, ear infections, strep throat, and sinus infections.
    Signs and symptoms include: nasal drainage and congestion, sore throat, low grade fevers, cough, stuffy or painful ears.
  • Viral Infections such as COVID 19 or Influenza.
    Signs and symptoms include: sudden onset of fevers, sore throat, non-productive cough, GI upset, headaches, body aches, and accompanying fatigue.
    *If you are experiencing severe shortness of breath and oxygen is less than 91% this may be considered a medical emergency.
  • Stomach Flu
    Signs and symptoms include: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain or tenderness.
    *If you are experiencing rapid heart beat, dizziness, dry skin, dry cough, or low blood pressure this can be a sign of severe dehydration and may be considered a medical emergency.
  • Skin rashes and Skin Infections
  • Signs and symptoms include: itching, burning, redness, swelling of the skin, minor lesions, and superficial level burns (1st, or 2nd degree burns).
    **Signs and symptoms of 3rd and 4th degree burns: dry leathery skin, black or white skin, loss of pain to area due to damaged nerve endings, visible muscles or bone. This is considered a medical emergency.
  • Urinary tract infections
    Sign and symptoms: Frequency and urgency to urinate, burning while urinating, fever, pain in lower back or flanks, hematuria (visible blood in the urine), or unusual odor to urine.

**If you are experiencing persistent and severe fevers over 104 degrees for greater than 3 days, rapid heart beat or low blood pressure this may be considered a more invasive infection that has spread and can be a medical emergency.



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