What Makes Hashimoto’s Disease Different From Other Thyroid Conditions?

Hashimoto’s is different than traditional hypothyroidism. Hashimoto’s is very common, while traditional hypothyroidism is relatively rare. This tells us that lifestyle plays a huge factor in Hashimoto’s.

Your first goal should be to eliminate all of the stressors on your body and all of the inflammatory processes on the body that are causing the Hashimoto’s. The more you get eaten up, that’s where you get the thyroiditis (your thyroid swells, maybe your nodules swell). At this point, whether the nodules are benign or not, a doctor is going to want to remove it.

Wouldn’t you rather not live in a world of “when in doubt, rip it out?” Functional medicine can help you to get solid answers about how lifestyle changes can help with Hashimoto’s. This is how Hashimoto’s and hypothyroid differ.

Contact the Epigenetics Healing Center today if you are suffering from Hashimoto’s and want answers today. We can help heal you!

Are you ready to restore your life?

Dr. G
Dr. G

Dr. Jay Goodbinder ND DC DABCI is a doctor in Kansas City, MO who serves patients in the surrounding Kansas City areas, cities across the United States, and in several countries around the world.