What are the signs and symptoms of Fibromyalgia?

  • Widespread muscle pain and tenderness
  • Muscle tenderness, delayed onset muscle soreness or muscle spasms
  • Feelings of pins and needles, sensitivity to cold or sensitivity to pain
  • Constipation, nausea or passing excessive amounts of gas
  • Forgetfulness or lack of concentration
  • Anxiety, mood swings or nervousness
  • Fatigue, feeling tired or malaise

Fibromyalgia is characterized by pain all over the body, tender points in different areas all over the body, neck pain, back pain, leg pain; Pain just all over. People with Fibromyalgia might also suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, depression, trouble sleeping at night. It affects all avenues of your life, really. Widespread muscle pain and tenderness are the most common symptoms.

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Dr. G
Dr. G

Dr. Jay Goodbinder ND DC DABCI is a doctor in Kansas City, MO who serves patients in the surrounding Kansas City areas, cities across the United States, and in several countries around the world.